New Sunday School Program!

Emmanuel’s Lutheran Church is excited to start a new Sunday School format. We have used the format during Vacation Bible School and now it is coming to you in a modified form on a Sunday morning. Students will participate in learning about a Bible story during the month in areas such as Art Zone, KidVid Cinema, Bible Discovery and Activate Faith.  This will be for our students in Kindergarten-Fifth Grade. Our Pre-kindergarten students (ages 3 and 4) will still have an opportunity to learn too! They will be in the classroom next to our contemporary service.

Please come help to teach our children! We need your support for just 2 weeks… yes, just 2 weeks and if you like it maybe more. During that 2 weeks, you will engage our students in the Bible story from 9:30 AM-10:15 AM(or earlier).  The plans, materials, and students will be ready for you. Just read the lesson prior to your weeks. Again, please consider helping our Sunday School program!


Use this link to sign up:

Questions? Heather Bennett-Knerr 610-392-9750

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